Friday 26 September 2014

A Campers Life

There is nothing quite like sleeping in the great outdoors. The beautiful natural light that you awake too is truly magnificent and the whole process of camping lake garda really is therapeutic as a whole. There really is a sense of achievement that you get afterwards when you have coped with the harsh climates of the outdoors.

There is no feeling of being trapped, stuck and bored in a hotel room when you go camping. When you go camping you get a sense of freedom and a sense of adventure that you simply can not get from any other experience from any other part in life.

If you think camping is too hard and too time-consuming to setup camp, then you are wrong. The infamous tent set up really does not take very long, in fact, you can even get pop up tents, but that takes all the fun out of it. Pitching the tent is a bonding experience and with a team of people, it could not be easier and once you have the tent set up you really can make your camping experience as luxurious as you want.

If you think that you will not be comfortable enough when camping, then you are wrong again. You can add state of the art air beds which are now comfier than ever and may even be comfier than your bed at home. You can also bring pillows for extra comfort and by the time you get in your sleeping bed after a relaxing day camping you will simply drift off to sleep, without a care in the world

Fornella Camping